Same Flower Type Bouquets
Weekly Wedding Tip
brought to you by"Buying all one type of a flower is generally less expensive than getting smaller amounts of a range of blooms, and it can have considerable dramatic impact both in bouquets and in table arrangements."
Is anybody considering this for either their bouquets or table centerpieces? Has anybody already done this for their wedding?
And, if you're looking for something other than flowers for your tables, why not a fruit bouquet? I love the strawberry bouquet - it would be the most unique table centerpiece for an outdoor summer wedding or bridal shower.
Image Credits:
Tulip Bouquet and Centerpiece: [griff] [griff]'s flickr gallery
Calla Lily Bouquet: Fi20100's flickr gallery
Strawberry Bouquet: sunflower [nami]'s flickr gallery
Sunflower Bouquet: Marta Potoczek's flickr gallery
Rose Bouquet: ProFlowers