Cupcakes by the Season
In continuation of wedding cupcake week, I've put together some sweet cupcake eye candy for you organized by season. If you know of any other cupcakes, please leave a comment with a link to the image/photo.fall season:
Apple Cupcakes from Martha Stewart {with recipe}
Top Right from blue cupcake
Bottom Left from jen's desserts
Pumpkin Patch Cupcakes from Martha Stewart {with recipe}winter season:
Christmas Tree Cupcakes from Martha Stewart {with recipe}
Chocolate-Almond Cupcakes from
Winter Wonderland Cupcakes from A Grrl's Wrrld
Red Velvet Cupcakes from Brides.comspring season:
Hummingbird Cupcakes from Martha Stewart {with recipe}
Pansy Cupcakes from Woman's Day {with recipe}
DIY Pansy Cupcakes from
Daisy Cupcakes from Woman's Day {with recipe}summer season:
Ice Cream Cupcakes from Martha Stewart {with recipe}
Blushing Grapefruit Cupcakes from Woman's Day {with recipe}
Kiwi Strawberry Cupcake from Sweet Avenue Bakeshop's blog
Beach Cupcakes from Martha Stewart