
wedding blog + planning guide for creative weddings | inspiration for DIY Brides

Brenda's Wedding Blog is your online resource for planning your dream elegant wedding. Helping you find the "wow" in weddings.

Alice in Wonderland Fashion Focused Shoot : Wedding Inspiration

I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am to share this spectacular Alice in Wonderland photo shoot with you today. Lisa of Lisa Walsh Photography shared this shoot with me and while it's not a wedding - it's truly inspiring. The dresses are out of this world and I love the idea of incorporating moss and mis-matched dishes into any event. Lisa and Christy love collaborating on shoots that allow them to have full creative license - and this shoot is definitely that. Boy oh boy can this vendor team be creative.

alice in wonderland wedding inspiration photo shoot

Lisa writes . . ."As much as I love shooting weddings, I *really* love having the time to pose people and go for a more high fashion look. I would love to incorporate that into my weddings more given the time on a wedding day." Christy's husband, Jeff, built the miniature room (don't you love it?) while Christy made the Mad Hatter’s jacket, and together they came up with the styling for the entire shoot.

Lisa's photography is simply top notch and you would never know that this shoot was photographed during a day of constant rain. Now it's time for the the rest of the photos - get ready to be amazed and it's totally ok to "pin" away :)

alice in wonderland eat me cookie

alice in wonderland fashion photo shoot

alice in wonderland photo shoot

alice in wonderland photo shoot - mad hatter

alice in wonderland fashion focused photo shoot

alice in wonderland photo shoot - the queen

alice in wonderland photo shoot - table setting

alice in wonderland photo shoot table setting with moss

alice in wonderland photo shoot with mouse in teapot

alice in wonderland photo shoot - moss lined tablescape

alice in wonderland photo shoot - game of croquet

side note: When I was prepping the photos for this feature yesterday, my 6 year old daughter was looking on and telling me who each model represented from the movie {she's only seen Alice in Wonderland once before but remembered every part of the movie, names and all}. I can now say she's seen the movie twice as she asked to watch it again last night and it was available on netflix. I'm fairly certain it won't be the last time either as she has now said it's one of her favorite movies :)

Vendor Credits:
Photography by Lisa Walsh Photography
Hair by Christy Robinson Hair Studio
Styling by Jeff & Christy Robinson
Dresses from Spybaby
Makeup by Lynne Winters