Wedding Industry Social Media Marketing + Business Tips for Wedding Professionals

Posts in free photos
Free Confetti Stock Photos - Delivered to You Each Month

I'm so excited about this new freebie I have for you. I'm now offering free monthly backgrounds of festive confetti for use in your blog posts, on Instagram, even Facebook.

Free Confetti Stock Photos for use on Social Media - from

You get to decide how you want to use them :) There's a white space just for you to add in quotes, a sale, even a mock iPhone or iPad in the Free Confetti Stock Photography. You get to choose how best to use the styled stock image{s} for your business or shop. Each photo is sized at 1080x1080 - the new preferred size for Instagram. The images can even be cropped {like the graphic below} for facebook and newsletters.

Sign Up below to receive at least two free surprise confetti backgrounds each month

Credit back to me isn't required but I'd certainly love a tag so I can see how you're using my images - feel free to tag me at @weddingsites and #festivefetti for the chance to be regrammed.

Confetti Stock Photos - Free Stock Photography - Monthly Freebie from