Wedding Industry Social Media Marketing + Business Tips for Wedding Professionals

How I More than Quadrupled my Instagram Followers in 20 months - PLUS, a one-of-a-kind Challenge

First, you're probably wondering why the statement I make in this blog post title is a big deal when others are claiming they grew on Instagram in just weeks. Well, let me explain a few things . . .
1. I believe in NEVER EVER purchasing likes or followers
2. I believe in quality over quantity
3. I believe in making connections
4. I believe in slow and steady wins the race
5. I believe in having targeted followers {who become customers}
6. I believe in having an engaged audience. Instagram actually favors engagement over the number of followers. For example, maybe you have over 10k followers - but unless the majority of them are engaging on your account, it's pointless to focus on having that many following you.

Still not convinced? Here's what Davina recently shared:

"My audience has more than doubled in a few months since implementing several of Brenda's Instagram tips. The engagement was non existent now I wake up to likes, comments, inquires."

So, with that being said . . . who’s up for an Instagram challenge and to find out how I quadrupled by Instagram followers in 20 months? This Instagram Challenge for Wedding Pros is not like any you’ve ever seen!

In this Instagram Challenge - there will be . . .
• No Daily Prompts
• No set list of hashtags you have to include
{except for the one we all use to support each other}
• No webinar at the end that pushes a course for $200

So, you're probably asking - ok, so what's the catch? Well, you're only investment is my Ultimate Instagram Hashtag Guide for $29 and your commitment to say . . . "Heck yes - I’m ready to take my Instagram to the next level and use this platform as an add-on to my business".

Are you in? {if you already have the hashtag guide - you're already in the challenge - just head here to join the Instagram Challenge FB Group}

If you're ready to accept this challenge, grab your hashtag guide here {it's an instant download} and then get ready as the 14 day Instagram challenge kicks off on Monday October 3rd. This guide has hashtags for photographers, planners, floral designers {real + faux flowers}, bride to be’s, venues, wedding gifts, invitations, sweet shops, destinations, honeymoons, travel agents, and wedding shops. {It's an Instant Download}

I'm going to guess you are wondering why this challenge costs money? It's because for Instagram to work for you and your business, the one main thing you need to do, is use the right hashtags. And, when you have the Ultimate Instagram Hashtag Guide - you're one step ahead of the Insta-Game. This is the Instagram Challenge that will have you thinking about targeted hashtags, your engagement and your photo quality to take your account to the next level and reach your audience. It's not about following everyone that's in the challenge. You want your followers to be targeted and those that will engage with your posts {to eventually become customers and/or find you to inquire for your services}.

The results of this Instagram Challenge are to . . .
1. gain the right followers
2. attract your target audience
3. increase your engagement

I will even be revealing an Instagram Strategy that works and it’s one that NO ONE HAS TOLD YOU ABOUT YET!!!

PS: you will be a part of a private fb group for the challenge to share results, cheer each other on and more

So - let's get ready for a fun Instagram Challenge like no other

Step 1: Purchase the Ultimate Instagram Hashtag Guide {instant download}
Step 2: Join the FB Group for the Instagram Challenge
{already have the guide? skip step 1 and simply join the FB group}

How I More than Quadrupled My Instagram Followers {targeted and in my niche} PLUS an Instagram Challenge for Wedding Pros. Be sure to click if you're ready to Make A Statement with Your Instagram Account