Looking for wedding and proposal submissions...
We have received 2 requests for information from brides and grooms for an upcoming book and a new television show. One is a quickie with responses needed in the next couple of days - the other one has a deadline of early May. Here are the details:
Request Number 1 - Proposal Stories:
Deadline: March 15th
Details: Janis Turk is writing a book for grooms on engagements and weddings and is looking for stories about wedding proposals - romantic ones, ones gone wrong, ones at sporting events, ones that were wacky, you name it. Can you help her find stories for her book? This book is a project attached to Today's Groom magazine (www.todaysgroom.com). You can send your stories to Janis directly at ruestpeter@yahoo.com or janisturkemail@yahoo.com. For more information about Janis Turk as a writer, please visit her web site at: www.janisturk.com.
Request Number 2 - One-of-a-Kind Weddings:
Deadline: early May
Details: Are you and your fiancé planning a unique wedding? City Lights Television is looking for couples who will be willing to share the experience of their one-of-a-kind wedding for a new show on a well known cable network. They are looking for outlandish weddings, weddings that are immersed in tradition and custom, religious weddings, etc. If you are planning an extra special day anywhere in the tri-state area either in late May or June, then e-mail your story to veryuniqueweddings@yahoo.com (and be sure to include a picture!) Remember, you MUST attach a picture with your submission.