Something Pink Day 1: Pink Ribbon Favors



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Something Pink Day 1: Pink Ribbon Favors

I am going pink for October - each day this month, I will be featuring "something pink" to help raise awareness for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Today's feature is the Pink Ribbon Favor Collection from My Wedding Favors. Ten percent of the net proceeds from these favors will be donated to benefit the Young Survival Coalition — a national organization devoted to supporting women—young and old—living with breast cancer, and granting the dreams and wishes of terminally ill breast cancer patients.

Favors Shown Above: Pink Ribbon Frosted-Glass Photo Frame/Place Card Holder, Pink Ribbon Plantable Favor, and Pink Ribbon Favor Box

If anybody has "something pink" they would like to share, please leave me a comment. Or, if you've had a pink wedding, please let me know - I'd love to feature it (brides and vendors welcome to participate).
Please email me at: brenda{at}bestweddingsites{dot}com

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