Gorgeous Custom Jewelry with Exclusive 15% Discount



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Brenda's Wedding Blog is your online resource for planning your dream elegant wedding. Helping you find the "wow" in weddings.

Gorgeous Custom Jewelry with Exclusive 15% Discount

I adore the jewelry that Trisha of The Beautiful Garden Boutique creates. It's perfect for weddings, your wedding party, or as gifts for yourself and others. And, to celebrate the holidays, Trisha is offering readers of Brenda's Wedding Blog 15% off all orders with free shipping and free gift wrapping! This offer is good until Dec. 13th {which is the holiday shipping cut off date if you are ordering for Dec. 25th}. You can either contact Trisha to set up a Reserve Listing on etsy with the adjusted price, or she can refund the discount via PayPal, whichever you prefer. Simply mention "BBB15" when contacting Trisha or leave the code in the comments to seller so you can receive your discount.

Enjoy the sampling of Trisha's custom fashion and bridal jewelry showcased below and to see oodles more of her gorgeous earrings, necklaces and bracelets, please visit The Beautiful Garden Boutique online.
Above Shopping Links:
Spring Garden No.10 - Citrine, Spring Garden No. 4 - Cluster, Clara Earrings - Cluster, Audrey Hoops in White Pearl, Anne Marie Bracelet in White, Dancin' at the Gala Earrings, Tatiana Bracelet, Alya Bracelet

The Beautiful Garden Boutique is a sponsor of the blog. For more information on the blog, please click here.

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