Adirondack Chairs at Weddings



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Adirondack Chairs at Weddings

Earlier today I featured some best selling favors from The Wedding Outlet that can be purchased with personalized tags and I mentioned that my favorite was the adirondack chair place card holders. So, I thought it would be fun to try and locate a wedding that used adirondack chairs and maybe some cakes that incorporated these chairs as well. Thank you to Stephanie of Couture Parties {Newport Rhode Island's Premier Party Hostess} for sending along these beautiful photos from a beach/nautical themed wedding that she coordinated in Newport, RI. I love the bright colors, and the water . . . sure wish I was somewhere like that right about now. And, thank you to Becky of Weddingistas {sensibly chic wedding coordination and consultation for brides on a budget in Connecticut and surrounding areas} for sending over the photo of herself and hubby on their wedding day. The adirondack chairs make for such a lovely photo of the couple relaxing together on their wedding day. And, lastly, the cakes were found while searching around the web.

Above Cakes from:
Cake Cod Cakes (left), Clare Thomas on flickr (top right), Ryan Brenizer on flickr (bottom right)

And, thank you again to Couture Parties and Weddingistas for sharing your photographs with my readers.

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