Winner Announced : Best Wedding Sites Boutique Shopping Spree



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Brenda's Wedding Blog is your online resource for planning your dream elegant wedding. Helping you find the "wow" in weddings.

Winner Announced : Best Wedding Sites Boutique Shopping Spree

It's now time to announce the winning recipient of the $50 shopping spree to the Best Wedding Sites Boutique. But, first I want to share with you a coupon code to save 20% off your purchase from now thru December 31, 2010. Simply use coupon code "brendablog" at checkout to receive your discount.

I asked entrants to tell me their favorite product{s} from the Best Wedding Sites Boutique. And, the winner is Whitney who wrote: "The "I Do Cookiebox" is my favorite thing! It would be perfect for the get-together I am going to have next month to officially ask my sisters and 3 best friends to be my bridesmaids! Almost too pretty to eat. Our date is July 2, 2011."

Congratulations Whitney - I'll be emailing you personally today for your mailing address. Please note: winner(s) have 48 business hours to reply or another winner will be selected.

Stay tuned, another great giveaway launches in just a bit.

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