What's driving you crazy in the wedding business?
As many of you know I've been taking a short maternity leave as my hubby and I added a baby girl to our family. Thank you soooo much for your words of support!! They really mean a lot to me, my husband and our daughter . . . well actually it's now daughters :)
The time away has allowed me to reflect on my business . . . and I want to find some new ways I can help you.
So there's one thing I really want to know . . . What's driving you crazy in the wedding business?
It doesn't matter if you're a bride or a groom. A wedding photographer, planner, stationery designer, baker, DJ, venue owner, etc. Whoever you are, and whatever you're doing, I want to know, what are you struggling with?
In 11 years of running this site, I've seen many challenging situations and I've come up with a lot of creative solutions. Maybe I can use my knowledge and experience to help you solve your most frustrating problems.
If you could leave me a comment below, with the most frustrating thing you're dealing with right now, I promise I'll do my best to help you find a solution to it.