Giveaway Extended . . . and the birth story of my 2nd baby girl



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Giveaway Extended . . . and the birth story of my 2nd baby girl

Please note that since I recently had a baby - the latest giveaway has been extended for another week. So please be sure to enter to win either a beaded handle brooch bouquet or a $75 gift certificate to Eight Tree Street.

Coming Up tomorrow on the blog - The Wednesday Wedding Accessory PLUS a real wedding {each Wednesday this month will feature a lovely couple's wedding}.

Yesterday I made the announcement of my baby girl arriving and today I wanted to share the labor and delivery story with you. On Thursday September 20th I knew I didn't quite feel right. I was having irregular contractions {braxton hicks}, but they were quite strong and I needed to breathe thru them. I was finishing up a huge etsy shop order for 133 hand-painted escort cards and 22 table cards and got them all packed up to ship. My mom ended up bringing my daughter to ballet as I could barely walk {due to pubic symphysis being super bad that day} and she took the package for me to ship. Ballet started at 4 pm and my contractions started coming every 20 minutes from that point on. {I think my body knew the huge project was now completed}. I called my midwife's office to let them know it looked like it might be that night. After dinner they were getting stronger so my doula recommended that if my parents could take our daughter it would probably be best. I took a bath while hubby brought daughter to my parents. They continually stayed at 20 minutes all night long - I even slept in my make-up thinking we'd be heading to the hospital {yes, I'm one to never leave the house without some makeup on LOL}. That morning I called the midwife's office and they wanted me to come earlier than my scheduled appointment. I found out I was nearly 3 cm dilated and was sent home with a prescription for 2 sleeping pills that would help me get some rest that afternoon in preparation for the big event. The midwife I saw was certain we would be meeting our girl that night or on Saturday.

I ended up being able to sleep for a few hours and the contractions kicked into high gear at 5 pm and became about 8 minutes apart. Hubby and I ate an early dinner and around 7 pm I called my doula. She was going to head down to our house to help me out as the back labor had started and I couldn't move during the contractions. I was prepared for the back labor as the baby was posterior {all limbs forward} but was told that very often the baby will change to the optimal position during labor. At 8 pm I knew I had to head into the hospital {the key here is to always listen to your body - you may not necessarily get to the 5 minute apart contractions they always tell you about}. We called our doula to meet us at the hospital and we let our midwife know we were on our way. Well, just before getting to the hospital I suddenly said "Oh Shit!!!!!!" {and I never swear so my hubby knew it was something serious}. My water had BROKEN!!!!!! I never imagined that would happen as with my first I was fully dilated and had to have it broken. Hubby pulled up to the front door and ran in for a wheel chair - I know it wasn't, but it seemed like an eternity before the nurse appeared with one. I had gone in with a birth plan and expected to labor in the birthing tub - but that room wasn't ready when I got there. But, turns out baby had other plans - so my best advice is . . . go in with a birth plan, but also go in with an open mind and be ok with any change in plans. Once I was wheeled into another room {hubby was parking the car at this time} I started involuntarily pushing and the nurse could tell I was doing this. She wanted to get me to the bed ASAP. When hubby came in the room he asked if I could get an epidural or something - but come to find out - the baby was already on her way. I know it sounds crazy {as I had even said this to my husband the night before}, but I ended up delivering on the bed on my hands and knees. Once I got there, it was the only position I could get myself into. {I had read how another lady with pubic symphysis delivered this way to prevent further damage and guess what - it WORKS!!!!!}. When I started pushing - our doula and midwife hadn't even arrived yet. They arrived about 5-10 minutes later. We checked into the hospital at 8:35 pm and our little girl arrived at 9:07 pm. We made it just in time!!!!! And, the most amazing part of the delivery was when my little girl was passed to me and I got to hold her right away. I'll never forget that moment. I'll also never forget being able to go home together as a family of 4 from the hospital as I was discharged after hubby picked our daughter up from kindergarten. We are very blessed to have two super sweet girls in our lives.

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