Winner Announced : Swarovski Crystal flip flops in your color choice



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Brenda's Wedding Blog is your online resource for planning your dream elegant wedding. Helping you find the "wow" in weddings.

Winner Announced : Swarovski Crystal flip flops in your color choice

It's time for me to announce the winning recipient of the Swarovski Crystal flip flops in your color choice from Weddings are Fun.

The winner is . . . Heather who wrote: "My wedding date is June 2, 2012 and I LOVE the Swarovski Crystal Bridal Flip Flops - Jennifer - Flat Heel - White Color! They look like the perfect dancing shoes to me!"

Congratulations Heather - I'll be emailing you personally for your mailing address or if you see this before I write, feel free to send me a message. Please note: winner(s) have 48 business hours to reply or another winner will be selected.

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