A Personal Post . . . Life is full of unexpected twists, turns + burgers



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A Personal Post . . . Life is full of unexpected twists, turns + burgers

As many of you probably noticed there was no giveaway yesterday as Christine, the associate editor of BestWeddingSites.com, came by to leave a message for everyone. {But, good news is that I have a GREAT giveaway headed your way next Tuesday}

I don't often get too personal on my blog but I feel that I need to share what's going on in case I can't respond to emails as timely as usual. I have been sick much of my 2nd pregnancy - what started as the typical sick feeling the first few months then became two sinus infections, back to back. I was then better for a week before somehow catching a cold that turned into a nasty cough. This past week, the cough turned even worse making it hard to keep down food without getting sick {sorry for TMI}.

This past Monday night I ended up having to be admitted to the hospital for tests to be run and came home Tuesday morning at 3 am. The good news is it's not pneumonia as my drs thought it might be, and I'm somehow still hydrated enough which is great news for the baby and me. They say the cough is allergy/asthma related. I'm very glad to know it's not pneumonia, but after all this time, I just so wish the drs could easily help me get over this. I'm now taking cough medicine with codeine in hopes of calming the cough so that I can eat and keep food in me while my throat heals from the coughing. But, I'm left to wonder - what happens when I stop the cough medicine? I certainly can't keep taking it day and night for longer than a few days.

While I rest and pray for answers and a final cure, I'll be hoping I'm well enough for the upcoming Memorial Day weekend to enjoy some fun outdoor games with my daughter and hubby. The weather is supposed to be beautiful. Oh, and of course I'd love a nice big juicy burger . . . hey, I can't help it, I'm still craving lots of good food LOL!!!! Maybe this burger will do the trick? {recipe from Jaime Oliver here}

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