Zankyou : the online cash wedding registry & wedding website in one



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Zankyou : the online cash wedding registry & wedding website in one

Zankyou is one of the most popular online wedding registries, but it's not just any wedding registry. It's an online cash wedding gift registry that also lets the couple create their very own free personal wedding website.

With couples marrying later and frequently having guests coming from abroad, the concept of Zankyou was born after seeing there was no online cash wedding registry and wedding webpage service that adapted to the needs of this new generation of brides and grooms. Zankyou is available in 18 different countries and 8 languages. Last year {in 2012}, more than 70,000 couples created their wedding website on Zankyou. Brides and grooms can share their wedding agenda with guests, maps, photos, suggested hotels and much more with their wedding website.

The bride and groom receives the cash equivalent of the gift contributions into their bank account. When couples are ready, they can transfer all the funds contributed in their registry to their personal bank account. This gives them the freedom to use the money as they wish - for their home, honeymoon or any other dream.

Zankyou also has a free wedding registry mobile app for the iPhone and Android that lets couples access their wedding website and wedding list anywhere, at anytime. The app is also perfect for wedding guests as they will be able to . . .
• upload the wedding photos they take with their phone directly to the couple's wedding website
• find the wedding location directly from their phones, no need to worry about getting lost
• see the couples wedding agenda without needing to look for the wedding invitation

Zankyou works by charging a small percentage {2.85%} of the total contribution made per guest plus a transaction fee {99 cents}. If the couple wishes, they can cover these fees or have their guests cover these fees. If they opt to have their guests cover the fees, the services of Zankyou are completely free. There's also the Zankyou premium feature called "Preferential Wedding Registry Fee" that lets the couple pay a one time fee {$19} and they will have a flat rate reduced percentage {2.25%} of the total contribution and the transaction fee is removed from all the gifts they receive.

Creating a wedding registry has never been easier thanks to Zankyou - and both the couple AND their guests will love using it. PS: Be sure to watch the video on their home page - not only is it super cute but it fully explains everything you will need to know about Zankyou.

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