Popular Wedding Pattern : Chevron {with billy balls and anemones}
If my etsy shop sales are any indication, chevron is definitely a hot pattern for weddings. I'm currently working on 3 printable invitation suites for weddings and bridal showers that feature chevron in the background. Plus, I'm getting ready to start a 4th suite with a custom flower request {sweet peas} on the chevron background. Each of the 3 orders shown above feature different color combinations and I'm loving each one. Particularly the brown that was requested with my hand-drawn billy balls {craspedia}.
One of my favorite parts of invitation suites is seeing what the bride wants to say for the "accepts/declines" lines on the RSVP cards. The cards above say:
____ See Y'all There
____ Sorry, Can't Make It
____ Gladly Accepts
____ Regretfully Declines