you can see the gorgeous details of the featured brooches in the gallery below:

Brenda's Wedding Blog is your online resource for planning your dream elegant wedding. Helping you find the "wow" in weddings.
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Crystal bridal brooches add a beautiful touch of creativity and flair to your wedding dress or even your bridesmaids dresses. The selection at Daisy Days is amazing and there's so many different styles including florals, starfish, dangle, circular, square and many others with pearls, crystals, silver and gold. Brooches can be used as a hair accent, added to a stylish hat or even your wrapped floral bouquet's stems. Some of the brooches come with both a pin and an alligator clip so you can decide how you want to use it or even re-use the bridal brooch after the wedding.
And, the handcrafted artificial flower hair clips from Daisy Days are perfect for the side or in the back of an elegant hair style.
To see even more beautiful bridal accessories from Daisy Days, please click here for crystal bridal brooches and floral hair clips.