Mini Meringue Ice Cream Cone Fortunes


Wedding Edibles

Mini Meringue Ice Cream Cone Fortunes

While this idea was presented for Valentine's Day on, I think this sweet treat would be perfect for a bridal shower anytime of the year. You simply need sugar cones, melted chocolate, nonpareils and pink meringue cookies with strips of paper for the fortunes. Below are the brief directions, to see the complete how-to, please visit Better Homes and Gardens.

1. Print love fortunes on pretty paper and cut them into strips. Roll the note and tuck in the bottom of a cone. For an extra little surprise, you can sprinkle a few nonpareils inside the cone on top of the note.

2. Make Your Cookie "Scoops" by using a pastry brush and coating the bottoms of two store-bought meringue cookies with melted chocolate chips and stick them together.

3. Seal Your Note by coating the top inside of the sugar cone with melted chocolate, then set the meringue cookie "scoop" on top. Be sure to let the chocolate set before serving.

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