Edible Eye Candy : v17 {pineapple upside down cake + gluten free}


Wedding Edibles

Edible Eye Candy : v17 {pineapple upside down cake + gluten free}

I'm in love with this photo from Carol of Simply...Gluten-Free for her gluten free pineapple upside down cake. It's of course made with her amazing gluten free flour blend that she sells via her web site. I'm not paid at all to make this endorsement, I just happen to be a HUGE fan of her flour. With my daughter being on a gluten free diet, baking with the flours that you find in the stores can prove to be challenging. Once I tried Carol's special gluten-free flour mix, I was hooked. Everything I've made with it tastes just like before going gluten-free, sometimes even better, although you may not believe me and I understand. But, even my hubby and parents are totally sold on the results.

I thought this pineapple upside down cake would look beautiful to present to your guests at a bridal shower or even a wedding that might feature different cakes for your guests to select from. Don't you just love the beaded ribbon weaved in the scalloped edge of the dessert stand?

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