Edible Eye Candy : v61 {strawberry doughnut cake, aka bundt cake}


Wedding Edibles

Edible Eye Candy : v61 {strawberry doughnut cake, aka bundt cake}

Isn't this cake amazing?!?!?! It's actually a bundt cake made to look like a doughnut. I've got strawberries on my mind today as I'll be baking away in preparation for my daughter's 5th birthday party tomorrow which is Strawberry Shortcake themed. There will be 6 girls coming with their mothers or fathers and I'll be making cupcakes per my daughter's request. But, I sure wish I was making this cake - hmmmm, maybe for her actual birthday on Monday when my parents come over. It's so cute to not make at some point this weekend. This strawberry doughnut cake with recipe can be found on Raspberri Cupcakes - which has quickly become a new favorite baking blog of mine.

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