Real Wedding : Japanese Girl Marries English Guy



wedding blog + planning guide for creative weddings | inspiration for DIY Brides

Brenda's Wedding Blog is your online resource for planning your dream elegant wedding. Helping you find the "wow" in weddings.

Real Wedding : Japanese Girl Marries English Guy

Since starting my Real Weddings, I've been able to meet so many amazing photographers and one of my top favorites has quickly became the husband and wife team, Chanelle & Craig of Segerius-Bruce Photography (UK based photographers). The 2 weddings I'm featuring today from Chanelle and Craig are nothing short of stunning (plus, I have a next day "Shoot the Dress" session to share with you, details on what this is to come).

I could envision so many of Chanelle & Craig's photos being re-printed on large canvases to be hung in the new couples homes. They truly do create wedding art.

The first wedding today is of Andy and Maiko at Hartsfield Manor in Reigate, Surrey. Maiko met Andy when he was working in Japan. London is now their home and friends and family came from all around the world to celebrate. Isn't Maiko's long veil gorgeous? Believe it or not, she made it herself.
To see more from Andy and Maiko's wedding, please visit the Sergerius- Bruce Photography Blog. Up next, a wedding at the Bradley House owned by the Duke of Somerset.

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