Giveaway : $100 shopping spree to Daisy Days



wedding blog + planning guide for creative weddings | inspiration for DIY Brides

Brenda's Wedding Blog is your online resource for planning your dream elegant wedding. Helping you find the "wow" in weddings.

Giveaway : $100 shopping spree to Daisy Days

Another Tuesday = Another Giveaway. This week, we're joined by Daisy Days who offers great products at great prices including personalized products that will make your special occasion memorable. This week one lucky reader of Brenda's Wedding Blog will receive a $100 shopping spree to Daisy Days.

To enter the contest, please visit the "What's New" section on Daisy Days and then come back here to leave me a comment {wedding thought} with your wedding date and your favorite new item{s} from the Daisy Days online shop. The contest runs thru Monday January 17th, with a winner being selected on Tuesday January 18th. Please be sure to leave your email address on the comment form so I can email you if you're the lucky winner {it will not be published}. PS: don't forget to share this post with all your engaged friends.

Contest prize: A $100 shopping spree to the Daisy Days shop
Contest Deadline: Monday January 17th, 2011 at 11:59pm EST
Contest Question to Answer: What is your favorite "new" item{s} from the Daisy Days shop? {PS: don't forget to include your wedding date to be eligible to win}

Would you like an additional entry into the giveaway? Simply "like" Daisy Days on Facebook and then leave me a second comment letting me know you're friends on Facebook.

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