Winner Announced : custom hand painted caricature wine glasses



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Winner Announced : custom hand painted caricature wine glasses

It's now time to announce the winning recipient of the set of 2 custom hand painted caricature wine glasses from Gina of Crystal Peace Studios. But, before I do that - Gina has an AMAZING OFFER for everyone that has entered. You can save 20% on your order with coupon code "bwb0111" thru January 31st, 2011. {please note: the coupon code can not be used on current sales items}

I asked entrants to tell me how who they would you like the custom wine glasses for. The winner is Austin who wrote: "My fiancee and I are getting married on April 30 this year. She and I love to have our random wine nights and these would be so cool to have. They'd be a fun surprise for her if we win!"

Congratulations Austin - I'll be emailing you personally today for your mailing address of if you see this before I write, feel free to send me a message. Please note: winner(s) have 48 business hours to reply or another winner will be selected.

Stay tuned - another great giveaway is coming up next . . .

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