Bridal Blogger — wedding blog + planning guide for creative weddings | inspiration for DIY Brides



wedding blog + planning guide for creative weddings | inspiration for DIY Brides

Brenda's Wedding Blog is your online resource for planning your dream elegant wedding. Helping you find the "wow" in weddings.

Posts in Bridal Blogger
Surprise Giveaway : Win an Art Deco Black Diamond Ring

Happy Tuesday. I have another brand new giveaway to surprise you with this morning. It's one of the most unique black diamond rings and it's from Apple of Gold Jewelry. I'm proud to be one of the sponsors for this amazing giveaway which has a $475 value. To enter for your chance to win, simply complete one or more of the following for your entry into the giveaway. Remember: the more entries you complete - the more chances you will have to win :)

Bridal Blogger : Wedding day advice from wise women

I am so excited to announce this . . . some of you may remember the bridal blogger posts I had on Best Wedding Sites for a short time, well I'm in the process of refining that site even more and have now decided to move the bridal blogger section here, on Brenda's Wedding Blog :) {PS: if you are a bride planning a wedding and have a blog already - please contact me about becoming a part of this section}

And, today, Jess of Shimmer + Silk joins us with her wedding day advice - please give her a big welcome


Ahhh… Here I am, fresh off a weekend in NYC at an energizing conference for women attending business school (as I will be in the fall).

I was fortunate enough to meet tons of fabulous, inspiring women, many of whom are also planning weddings or adjusting to life as a newlywed. Naturally, we spent just as much time talking about our bridal experiences as we did discussing our career aspirations.

I thought it would be fun to share some of the best gems of advice that these ladies imparted on me just a few weeks before my wedding…

via Coffee and Yoga

1. Start the day with a moment of alone time

Take some time before the most hectic and eventful day of your life ramps up to enjoy a moment of solitude. Now is a great time to practice yoga or meditation, do some breathing exercises or enjoy a cup of tea while you admire the views from your honeymoon suite or childhood home. Clear your head of to-do lists and worries and instead just think about the people and events that have brought you to this fabulous day. You’ll feel relaxed, excited and appreciative rather than frantic and nervous.

via 80 Breakfasts


I know… You’ve heard this one a million times before. But seriously. Eat a hearty breakfast. As you get ready with your maids, try to follow every mimosa with a glass of water (and, ahem, don’t forget to stop in the ladies room before you head down the aisle!). Have your site coordinator save you some hors d’oeuvres from cocktail hour to keep you going through your first dance. And yes you do need to greet all your guests, but no you do not need to pass out on your wedding day so make sure you sit down and eat your meal! You paid a lot for that stuffed chicken and you’ve got a few hours of dancing ahead of you so you better take care of yourself so you can enjoy your night!

via Storkie Blog

3. Accept that something will probably go wrong

You spent months (or even years!) planning this day and you want it to be perfect. Everyone understands. But, you know what? No day is perfect. Not everything is going to go exactly as planned and that’s OK! Your wedding day is about marrying your best friend and soul mate. Does it really matter if your florist uses French tulips instead of English roses? You’ll never have this day again so don’t sweat the small stuff!

via Style Me Pretty

4. Spend a quiet moment after the ceremony with your new husband

With all the nerves and excitement, it’s easy to let the entire day pass you by. But make sure you take a time out with your new hubby to let the events sink in. You’ll need a moment to recharge, anyway. And bonus -- if you’re lucky maybe you’ll get some sugar ;)

I’ll be keeping these tidbits in mind when my big day is here. And if I come up with anything else to add to the list, I’ll definitely be back to share!

xo Jess

Jessica is from Boston and is marrying Andy in just under 2 months. Their planning focus has now shifted to the nitty gritty details, like guest welcome bags, ceremony music and readings, favors. Jessica is also the blogger behind Shimmer + Silk whose blog is for chic, modern bridal inspiration.

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